Development of the brand architecture for the UCM Faculty of Information Sciences.

El Estudio, the Advertising Agency of the Faculty of Information Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid), was commissioned to develop the brand architecture of the Faculty for its delegations and services, renewing the existing designs and creating new ones for those that did not exist.
Upon completion and implementation of this project, the objective established at the beginning was achieved: to improve the coherence of the Faculty's brand and its visual identities, also creating a brand book.

Brand and
visual identity
The brands of El Estudio, Inforadio and Infoactualidad have a lower endorsement to the main brand, so they keep their own colors. The new creations for the International Relations Office, School of Production, Library and Research Support Unit feature the characteristic gray of the Faculty, as they have a greater adherence to the main brand.
The circle is the cohesive and common element of the various graphic brands. Additionally, in all cases the typography has been homogenized, in lowercase and using the corporate typeface, Circular Std, together with the corporate color PANTONE 415 C.
As an identifier of the main brand, the graphic marks have the initials of the Faculty together with those of the University at the bottom, always in capital letters.

Credits: Raquel A., José Luis M., Marta P., Celia P., Sofía P. & Ignacio Vaxeras.